SensiScreen® by PentaBase
CE IVD Cancer Companion Diagnostics
SensiScreen® CE IVD are real-time PCR based assays for somatic mutation detection in cancer patients. SensiScreen® assays combine ultra high sensitivity with multiplexing capabilities, speed, ease-of-use and little hands-on-time. Important features of SensiScreen® assays are the implementation of PentaBase’s proprietary DNA analogue platform technology and the inclusion of baseblockers that make SensiScreen® assays superior to most current somatic mutation tests with regard to sensitivity and specificity.
- Limit of detection, LOD, of FFPE assays down to 0.25% – 1.0% of mutant DNA in a wild type background (5 to 50 nG gDNA input)
- LOD of liquid assays down to one copy of mutated DNA (up to 5 nG gDNA input)
- Hands-on-time 1-4 minutes per sample
- Time to answer < 1½ hours
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